Getting a high school education in US gives you the advantage of entering most of the colleges and universities without taking any exams. It will also give you the chance of improving your English and share social life with international students.
High SchoolStudy AbroadHigh School Education in USA
High school students in US have the chance of transfering to private high school after a year. They can also be a boarding student.
Advantages of getting a high school education in US:
Getting a high school education in US will give the advantage of both learning English in its environment and giving you a higher chance to go tor a college. The important thing is you can join extra curricular activities and can take classes. It will help you to go to a college in US.
Starting state high school education in US:
Ages between 14 and 18 can join high school education in US. Average score of the past three years of the student should be 60 and must take 45 points from the SLEP exam
Getting a state high school education in US is limited to 1 year and students must stay with a family specifically matched for the student. Tuition is between 3000$-10000$
Starting private high school education in US:
Students should be paying between 22.000$-60.000$ for private school education and can stay with a family or choose boarding schools. Students can study more than one year in private high schools.